Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pope Warns Knights of Columbus of Seriousness of Threat to Religious Freedom

Each year the Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal organization, meet for their annual convention.  This year they are meeting in Anaheim, California.  Being such a strong voice and witness for Catholic issues in our nation, the Holy Father normally sends a note greeting the Knights during their assembly.  This year Pope Benedict XVI has warned of the "unprecedented gravity" of threats to religious freedom of Catholics in the US.
In his message the Pope praises the rich tradition our nation has of freedom--most especially religious freedom--but the Pope notes "the responsibility of each new generation to preserve, defend and advance those great ideals in its own day."
"At a time when concerted efforts are being made to redefine and restrict the exercise of the right to religious freedom," the papal message calls upon the Knights of Columbus to "counter a reductive secularism which would delegitimize the Church’s participation in public debate."
The Pope's message to the Knights of Columbus--conveyed in a telegram to the Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, and signed by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State--praises the organization as "a pioneer in the development of the modern lay apostolate." The message encourages the Knights to continue bearing witness to authentic Catholic principles in public life.

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