Monday, July 5, 2010

July: Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Traditionally each month of the year is dedicated by the Catholic Church to a particular aspect of our Faith.  For example, June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, December is dedicated to Christ’s Holy Infancy, etc.  July is dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus.  The Litany of the most Precious Blood of Jesus is one of the six public litanies, meaning litanies that have been formally indulgenced since the Second Vatican Council.  That is, one may receive a partial indulgence each time he/she recites one of these litanies.  The six indulgenced litanies are: The Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, The Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus, The Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus, the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary (also known as the Litany of Loreto), The Litany of St. Joseph, and The Litany of the Saints.  There are many other litanies that may have been approved for use by the faithful, but that have not been indulgenced, cf. Pocket Catholic Dictionary by Father John Hardon, S.J., p. 229 under Litany.

An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints.An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it removes either part or all of the temporal punishment due to sin.  
The faithful can gain indulgences for themselves or apply them to the dead. –Catechism of the Catholic Church 1471 The Litany of the Precious Blood was approved in its present form by Blessed Pope John XXIII in 1960. 
The Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus can be found on EWTN's website cy clicking HERE.

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